Home . About
We Are Not just an ordinary food industry brand
Besides customary supply of food service and catering market we constantly create something new and extraordinary. Taking care of good quality and high standards, we are actually committed to deliver only the best for our customers.
Our benefits
The Devoted Special Vision
SoFine Products
We are selling our products to all levels of food and cosmetic industry. Our assortment is made of around 400 different raw materials.
SoFine Project
We promote the sale by presentation, either through the personalization of consumption material, diverse products, promotional gifts, everything that will show the best of you.
SoFine Design
Creativity is our secret. Imagination without borders.
Ideas, designs, marketing strategies, copywriting, slogans…everything you need or don’t even know you needed.
Who We are
Why Choose Us?
Even if we are almost right hand to the producers we take care of that very end result which is your perfectly served meal in a classy restaurant or in take-away food.
Our business is to be a shadow in that process and probably you don’t even notice it, but that’s the point. As our name speaks for itself, it needs to be simple and So fine.
Mutual development is the only choice we take and for that reason, we offer something much more interesting.